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Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) Thursday Club Nights resume on 23/01/25!

The Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) Thursday Club Nights resume on 23/01/25 (6.30 pm – 9 pm).

Glen Eden Recreation Centre, Harold Moody Park, 44 Glendale Rd, Glen Eden.

8 Table Tennis Tables, a complimentary Table Tennis Robot is available for player training and skill drills, and free casual coaching onsite.

Casual and Membership session fees are available (The attached Club Poster denotes Membership Session Fees Only – double these for casual session fees).

Club Nights are capped at 20 players per playing session, for player comfort, and regular table access.

All welcome 😊

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And that’s a wrap for the Waitakere Table Tennis Association for 2024!


A very convivial and enjoyable way to end 2024 at the Waitakere Table Tennis Association tonight, with club members enjoying a BBQ Sausage Sizzle, taking on the club’s Table Tennis Robot, copious amounts of chocolate and fizzy drinks, some sponsors’ spot prizes, and even some table tennis 🙂

The WTTA takes a break from next week, returning to Club Nights on Thursday 23/01/25 (6.30 pm – 9 pm).

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our club sponsors for their valued and ongoing support, including Fresh Choice Glen Eden for sponsoring our club BBQ tonight:

Fiesta Cafe Glen Eden

Fresh Choice Glen Eden

Barfoot & Thompson Glen Eden

A big thank you must go to our weekly helpers, and our casual coaches – your input and support of the club is both noticed and highly appreciated.

All the very best for the Christmas and New Year break to all of our Waitakere Table Tennis Association players – see you on 23/01/25 🙂

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Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) “Table Tennis Tables in Schools” Initiative


The Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) is on the lookout for good quality, second-hand table tennis tables and equipment that can be donated to local West Auckland Schools.

Table Tennis is an all-year indoor sport, and has been termed “aerobic chess” in that one has to be fit AND strategic to win games 🙂

Table Tennis can be played by all people of any age and ability, intergenerationally, and at any time of the day or night.

We are looking to identify any local West Auckland Schools that would like to secure a Table Tennis Table for their venue and link them with any one of the dozens of Tables that are no longer required by families in the community. These good-quality tables are mostly sitting in storage, or on Trademe, or on Facebook Marketplace, or now surplus to requirements – let’s see if we can put these tables into the hands of kids who may not have room to play at home, or the money to attend a commercial table tennis venue.

There may be some local schools too that have Table Tennis Tables, but don’t utilize them very often – The Waitakere Table Tennis Association can assist with organizing simple and free in-house competition ladders at school for kids to compete in.

Please email waitakeretabletennis@gmail.com if you can assist.

Stephen Taylor,


Waitakere Table Tennis Association

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Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) attends Auckland Table Tennis Association (ATTA) Spring Open 17/11/24

On 17/11/24, 6 players (2 x Junior Novices and 4 x D Grade Senior Players) attended the club’s first competitive tournament, the 2024 ATTA Spring Open, held at the ATTA Stadium in Newmarket, Auckland.

184 players registered for the event, which attracted clubs from all over Auckland. The event players ranged from Junior Novice to A Grade.

This was the first time that any of our players had entered a competitive table tennis tournament, and some nerves were high at the start.

However, 1 or two games into play, our players quickly realized that they could be competitive in their respective games, whilst enjoying the battle against all different types of styles of play that were on offer.

Bear in mind that, just over 15 months ago, none of our players were playing table tennis regularly, until they joined the WTTA.

Fast forward to today, and the level of improvement gained by our players to be able to play in a regional tournament was plain for all to see.

The day was a varied mix of wins and losses for our players, and I suspect a growing strong resolve for everyone to come back and do it all again at the next tournament 🙂


Flynn & Yamato (Waitakere Junior Novice Players)

Pete & Lucas (Waitakere D Grade Players)

Alex & Aaron (Waitakere D Grade Players)

Yamato in Play

Flynn in Play

Alex in Play

Pete in Play

Alex & Pete in Play (20 Table Stadium)

Aaron in Play

Lucas in Play

Yamato & Flynn in Play (Doubles)

Pete & Lucas in Play (Doubles)

Alex & Aaron in Play (Doubles)

Thank you to the organizers and officials at the ATTA for hosting this tournament 🙂

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WTTA Glen Eden Recreation Centre Open Day 2/11/24

We rolled out the WTTA Club Robot today, to the delight of many open-day attendees!

We set the Robot on 50 balls every 2 minutes on the slowest frequency speed (1), serving to alternate front hand and backhand, and then ramped it up to the highest frequency speed (10), for those who were keen to do so.

From now on, we will keep the Robot on site for our club night members to use on club nights, club night capacity permitting.

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WTTA Club Night Fiesta Coffee Club Winner, and Most Improved Player for 24/10/24.

Congratulations to Ethan, the WTTA’s youngest club member at just 7 years of age, for winning the Most Improved Player tonight.

4 weeks ago, Ethan had never picked up a table tennis bat.

Now, he has learned to serve, and return, and is learning the rules of singles and doubles.

Ethan would now like a table tennis table at his school.

The Coffee Card went to Ethan’s Mum, Eunice 🙂

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The National Table Tennis Club Survey 2024

The Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) has embarked on a privately funded and resourced national survey of the (currently) 88 Table Tennis Clubs in New Zealand.

The purpose of the national survey is to provide the table tennis sector with up-to-date data concerning the size, scope, activity, priorities, and engagement regarding the sport of table tennis in New Zealand.

Data collected from the National survey will be anonymized, collated, and then the results of the national survey will be freely shared with any table tennis club who would like to receive a copy of the national survey summary.

There are four primary purposes of this national survey:

1/ To assist table tennis clubs around New Zealand in growing their membership, so as to;

2/ Assist table tennis clubs in New Zealand to increase their income, so as to;

3/ Better resource the sport of table tennis in New Zealand, so as to;

4/ Attract more people to the sport of table tennis in New Zealand.

Any inquiries related to the National Table Tennis Club Survey may be addressed to waitakeretabletennis@gmail.com

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WTTA Club Night Fiesta Coffee Ladder Competition Winner, and Most Improved Players for 22/08/24.

Congratulations to Trudi for winning the Fiesta Coffee Ladder Competition tonight (moving 13 places up the Club ladder in one night), Nandini for winning the “Most Improved Female Player”, and Edward for winning the “Most Improved Male Player” at the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) Club Night tonight.

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WTTA Club Night Fiesta Coffee Ladder Competition Winner, and Most Improved Players for 01/08/24.

Congratulations to Hemant for winning the Fiesta Coffee Ladder Competition tonight (moving 15 places up the Club ladder in one night), Nandini for winning the “Most Improved Female Player”, and Matt for winning the “Most Improved Male Player” at the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) Club Night tonight.

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WTTA Club Night Fiesta Coffee Ladder Competition Winner, and Most Improved Players for 18/07/24.

Congratulations to Elisa for winning the Fiesta Coffee Ladder Competition tonight (moving 21 places up the Club ladder in one night), and for winning the “Most Improved Female Player”, and Lucas for winning the “Most Improved Male Player” at the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) Club Night tonight.

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WTTA Club Night Fiesta Coffee Ladder Competition Winner, and Most Improved Players for 04/07/24.

Congratulations to Flynn for winning the Fiesta Coffee Ladder Competition tonight, Kim for winning “Most Improved Female Player” and Oscar for winning “Most Improved Male Player” at the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) Club Night tonight.

Here are some action shots from tonight’s Club Night:

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WTTA Club Night Fiesta Coffee Competition Winner, and Most Improved Players for 27/6/24.

Congratulations to Therese for winning the Fiesta Coffee Competition tonight, Lilika for winning “Most Improved Female Player” and Flynn for winning “Most Improved Male Player” at the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) Club Night tonight.

A special congratulations to Yamato who won the overall Fiesta Kitchen Cafe competition, taking home the $50.00 voucher tonight 🙂

We also introduced our new play barriers tonight – very popular by all accounts!

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WTTA Annual Membership Fee Update & WTTA Club Capacity Update 28/6/24.

As of 28/6/24, the WTTA Annual Membership Fee will be $25.00 p/a for all WTTA memberships (Adult & Junior).

Adult Membership Club Night Fees remain at $10.00 p/p.

Junior (16 and under) Membership Club Night Fees remain at $5.00 p/p.

Adult Casual Club Night Fees remain at $15.00 p/p.

Junior (16 and under) Casual Club Night Fees remain at $10.00 p/p.

The WTTA will shortly hit its increased 120-member capacity cap.

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WTTA Club Night Fiesta Coffee Competition Winner, and Most Improved Players for 30/5/24.

Seven full tables in play tonight, and everyone got to play everyone 🙂

Congratulations to Lucas for winning the Fiesta Coffee Competition tonight, Elisa for winning “Most Improved Female Player” and Alex for winning “Most Improved Male Player” at the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) Club Night tonight.

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WTTA Club Night Fiesta Coffee Competition Winner, and Most Improved Players for 23/5/24.

Wow, were we at capacity tonight or what?

Our seventh table will be set up and ready to go from next week.

Congratulations to Yamoto (last week) and Therese (this week) for winning the Fiesta Coffee Competition tonight, Lilika for winning “Most Improved Female Player” and Bruce for winning “Most Improved Male Player” at the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) Club Night tonight.

And then we had some of our “Generation Alpha” players taking a load off tonight, because, you know – school is tiring, and stuff.

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Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) moves to 7 tables as from 3/5/24.

The Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) will expand to 7 playing tables as from 3/5/24, making our club the largest privately-owned table tennis club in New Zealand.

Our club membership cap of 100 members has been extended to 120 members to accommodate (in part) a number of ongoing membership transfers from members of the Waitemata Table Tennis Association, and this cap will soon be reached.

Thank you to our members who not only support the club as players, but who also bring along their family members and friends to the club each week 🙂

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WTTA Club Night Fiesta Coffee Competition Winner, and Most Improved Players for 9/5/24.

It was great to see everyone back at WTTA Club Night after an enforced 3-week break while the recreation center floor underwent some flood repair work.

Congratulations to Lucas for winning the Fiesta Coffee Competition tonight (winning 30 games during the night, a new WTTA club record); Eliza for winning “Most Improved Female Player” (had to head home before prizegiving), and Grant for winning “Most Improved Male Player” at the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) Club Night tonight 🙂

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WTTA Fees Update 2/5/24


From 9/5/24, the following Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) fee amendments will apply to our capped membership club:

WTTA Annual Membership (Adult): $25.00 p/a

WTTA Annual Membership (16 and under): $15.00 p/a

WTTA Adult Member Session: $10.00 per session

WTTA Adult Casual Session: $15.00 per session

WTTA 16 & Under Membership Session: $5.00 per session.

WTTA 16 and under Casual Session: $10.00 per session.

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WTTA Club Night Fiesta Coffee Competition Winner, and Most Improved Players for 04/04/24

Congratulations to Joseph for winning the Fiesta Coffee Competition tonight (winning 19 games); Drina for winning “Most Improved Female Player” and Eps for winning “Most Improved Male Player” at the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) Club Night tonight, our first husband-and-wife winning combination 🙂

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Response to Waitemata Table Tennis Association Member Approaches regarding joining the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA).

In response to the above, the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) can now confirm that the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) will honor the balance (without cost) of any existing annual membership term for any table tennis players who wish to transfer from the Waitemata Table Tennis Association to the Waitakere Table Tennis Association, up to a capped total of 20 players.

We have now begun accepting the transfer-by-approach of players from the Waitemata Table Tennis Association to the Waitakere Table Tennis Association, and we trust that this decision will assist other Waitemata Table Tennis Association players who may also be considering such a membership transfer to the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA).

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Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) Weekly (Local) Table Tennis Playing Options

For those West Auckland-based WTTA members who wish to play more than once a week, here is a schedule of some suggested local club options that we recommend:

Monday: Synergy Table Tennis & Sports Club, Unit 3/44 Portage Road, New Lynn, Auckland. $6.00 per person, or $12.00 p/h table hire. Over-55s can join Synergy Table Tennis & Sports Club for just $20.00 p/a (Monday-Friday access), and no additional table tennis session fees apply (Monday-Friday access). 6 Tables. Opens from Monday – Sunday, 10 am – 10 pm. Phone 09-3920008, or email info@synergysports.co.nz

Tuesday: French Bay Table Tennis Club, St John Vianney Church Building, 317 Hillsborough Rd, Hillsborough. $15.00 per person. 4 Tables. Club Night is from 7.30 pm – 10 pm. Contact Bryce Kay at (0272) 219 726, or email brycek@xtra.co.nz

Wednesday: Waiatarua Table Tennis Club, 911 West Coast Rd, Waiatarua. $2.00 per person. 2 Tables. Club Night is from 7 pm – 8.30 pm. Contact Tony Bacon at (09) 8149860, or email tony.bacon@sthw.co.nz

Thursday: Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA), Harold Moody Park, 44 Glendale Rd, Glen Eden. $12.00 per adult, $7.00 for up to 16 for casual play, or $10.00 per adult, and $5.00 for up to 16 for annual members (Membership is $20.00 p/a for adults, and $10.00 per annum p/a for up to 16 years). 6 Tables. Club Night is from 6.30 pm – 9 pm. Phone (0204) 444-083, or email waitakeretabletennis@gmail.com

Friday: Back to Synergy Table Tennis & Sports Club, or have the night off 🙂

NB: For any table tennis players on the North Shore, The North Harbour Table Tennis Association would welcome you at 5a Akoranga Drive, Northcote (Behind the YMCA). Contact John Stapleton on 09-4180335, or email nhttstadium@gmail.com

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Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) to raise membership cap to 150, & increase to 6 tables from April 2024.

The Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) continues to receive ongoing inquiries from the community regarding joining our family-friendly and vibrant club, even though our 100-member capacity cap has been reached.

Whether it’s the Gold FM (think 60’s through to the 90’s) rock, pop, or ballads that pipe from the speakers on club night (yes, some members do actually add little dance interludes at the table they are playing on), or the rumours that abound about a brand new expresso coffee machine soon to hit the club kitchen in time for the coming winter, a whole lot of people seem really, really keen to join our local table tennis fraternity 🙂

As a result of this ongoing demand (and the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) being able to secure some more space at the Glen Eden Recreation Centre) as from April 2024, the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) will be raising its current membership cap from 100 to 150 members, and add an additional table tennis table for club night, bringing the total number of playing tables to six.

We are delighted to be able to meet the popular demand of our local table tennis community 🙂

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Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) Club Nights begin for 2024.

Welcome back to all of our members for 2024 🙂

A full house to start us off into the New Year at our now five-table venue at the Glen Eden Recreation Centre!

Stephen Taylor, Director, Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA)
Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) Members at Play
Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) Members at Play

Thank you to our members for such a great launch to the year.

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Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) 2024 Club Membership, Player Fees, & Capped Membership Advisory.

In 2024, the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) will be adding a 5th table to the Thursday Club Night, and “capping” the club membership to 100 players.

“Capping” the Club membership will ensure that the club does not become overcrowded on Club Night (as not all 100 players will attend the club every week at the same time), and Club members will also enjoy priority table booking & cheaper player fees on Club Night (please see below).

Membership Cards will also be available for members.

Annual Membership:

Adults: $20.00 per annum.

16 & Under: $10.00 per annum.

Club Night Fees (Thursdays, 6.30 pm – 9 pm):

Adult Members: $10.00 per 2.5-hour session.

Adult Casual: $12.00 per 2.5-hour session.

16 & Under Members: $5.00 per 2.5-hour session.

16 & Under Casual: $7.00 per 2.5-hour session.

Thank you for choosing West Auckland’s family-friendly table tennis cub 🙂

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Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) confirms a 2nd Club Night for 2024 and player interchange collaboration with French Bay Table Tennis Club.

Owing to the rapidly increasing popularity and growth of the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA), two new club initiatives will be introduced in 2024.

1/ From 02/04/24, Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) members will have the opportunity to attend a second weekly club night (Tuesdays, 7.30 pm – 10 pm) at the French Bay Table Tennis Club, St John Vianney Church, 317 Hillsborough Rd, Hillsborough, Auckland.

2/ Table Tennis Group Bookings (e.g. for schools, corporate, or private hire) will be available on Fridays throughout the year (subject to booking confirmation).

Thank you all for supporting the rapid growth and popularity of the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) in West Auckland 🙂

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French Bay Table Tennis Club looking to recruit experienced player members.

The French Bay Table Tennis Club is located at St John Vianney Church, 317 Hillsborough Rd, Hillsborough, Auckland, and runs a Tuesday Club Night from 7.30m to 10 pm each week. Player fees are $10.00 per person.

French Bay is affiliated with the Auckland Table Tennis Association and is currently keen to recruit some more members who are experienced in the game of table tennis.

If you are a more experienced table tennis player, looking for an opportunity to play against some other similarly experienced table tennis players, then French Bay Table Tennis Club could be the local club for you.

Contact waitakeretabletennis@gmail.com for more information.

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Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) Thursday Club Nights Now At Capacity.

The Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) formally launched its first Club Night (Thursdays @ 715pm – 9.15 pm) at the Glen Eden Recreation Centre just 3 weeks ago and we are delighted to report that we have already reached our player capacity of 20 players maximum per night.

In order to ensure our club players are guaranteed a playing spot on Club Night, an attendance confirmation email to club players will be sent out each Thursday morning, and player attendance may be confirmed by reply email.

Any playing spots left over will then be made available to new walk-in club attendees at the door on the night.

Thank you for your support of West Auckland’s newest Table tennis club – it is much appreciated 🙂

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Welcome to the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA).

The Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) is a privately-funded limited liability company that has been formed to represent and assist the table tennis member, player, club, and consumer interests of the West Auckland area.

The Director of the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) is Stephen Taylor, former CEO of Exercise New Zealand, a national trade organization that currently represents the recreation service interests of over 300 public and private-funded exercise and recreation facilities nationwide.

Stephen is a multi-award-winning Management and Marketing Consultant within the Recreation Service Delivery space, having won nine national management and marketing awards in:

  • Membership Procurement & Retention.
  • Sales & Marketing.
  • Facility Startups.
  • Customer Service.

The core business of the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) includes the operation of the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) Table Tennis Club, located at the Glen Eden Recreation Centre, Harold Moody Park, as well as:

  • Player, member, club, and consumer advocacy.
  • Funding, management, contract, service, and governance assistance for new table tennis clubs to be established in West Auckland.
  • Funding, management, contract, service, and governance assistance for established table tennis clubs to grow their membership base and improve service delivery in West Auckland.

Enquiries regarding the Waitakere Table Tennis Association (WTTA) may be addressed to:

Email: waitakeretabletennis@gmail.com

Phone / Text: (0204) 444-083